Fast, Professional and Reliable Service
At Heavy Equipmechanics, it’s our dedication that differentiates us from other car repair shops. We’re continuously training ourselves to provide the highest levels of technical expertise for our customers. Heavy Equipmechanics believes in getting you back on the road as soon, and as safely, as possible.
Vehicle Customization
You’re a busy person — don’t let car problems get in your way. There are a wide variety of problems that can occur with your vehicle, and Heavy Equipmechanics has the proper equipment and experience to locate, repair and/or replace the issue quickly and effectively. Call us to take care of your Vehicle Customization needs today, and ensure your vehicle is safe and sound to protect you and your family.
Preventative Maintenance
A scheduled Preventative Maintenance is a crucial aspect to maintaining a dependable and sturdy automobile. Making your car work harder than it needs to will shorten its life. Want to get your vehicle in tip-top shape? Drop it off at Heavy Equipmechanics for a Preventative Maintenance today.
Air  Conditioning
Computer Diagnostics
Is your vehicle not cooling or have a check engine light on? With our vast experience in A/C and computer diagnostics we can get your vehicle cooling and that check engine light off to keep you rolling comfortably and stress free!
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 9am-6pm
Sat: 10am-2pm
Sun: Closed